jueves, 2 de agosto de 2007


Date:since the sunday before passon until easher sunday.

Customs, decorations,people use palms

foos, present giving: and religious picture

Season: spring inside the house

Activities, dancing, visting: peaple attend church make dramatic works, viacrusis.

Historial origin: around the o year tell one´s beads, they also the house is smoked with incense.

Reason for liking or nol liking: I thinnk it´s important to remenber who died for us to save the

Religious or other significanse: It celebrates worid. the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ`s to redeam the humanity.

Personal celebrations: I attend chured with my family and taget the we take palms there.

Comercial significanse: It´s comunon to see sellings of holy pictures and statues.

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